Final Build
The final build of the game, this build was focused on adding progression and flavor to the game. With the addition of the fishing book, score counter, and score locks for the bobbers. The game has developed the feeling of progression, and rewards the player that plays for long enough. Along with some minor ui touch ups, the game has been improved since the beta build. While missing audio, the addition of other fish types, and a saving system. The game’s core is solid enough to give players something to play with for a good while.
The start menu has been changed to include more fish as a way to give sneak peeks into what kind of fish the player will capture. Along with the movement of the fishbook to the main game due to issues on the backend, and replaced with a controls button to give players an easier time into finding out what all the controls are and what they do within the game.
The pause menu was updated to include an overall score counter along with the fish book option. Bubbles were added to give the menu some level of life and fill out blank space within the menu.
A fish book was added to track the amounts of fish the player captures over their playthrough of the game. A simple design to let players see all the fish at a glance and easily find which ones they are still missing. Each fish type is displayed at the start to give players a goal to reach and with how simple it is to capture one fish it hopefully does not feel too overwhelming for players first looking at it.
A warning label has been added for whenever a player leaves the game, as currently there is no saving system in place, due to time limitations and inexperience. Which is why the game also has no sound or music whatsoever.
A simple tutorial prompt has been added to whenever the player first starts the game to easily teach them how one gains grip points and captures a fish.
Locks for each bobber have been added as a way to challenge the player to get them all while also letting them go at their own pace. Never forcing the player to play with certain bobbers in order to gain others.
Get Fishing For Collectors
Fishing For Collectors
Player collects different types of fish.
More posts
- PostmortemNov 11, 2024
- Beta Build LogOct 22, 2024
- Alpha Build LogOct 09, 2024
- Creation of the ProtypeSep 25, 2024